Debug Your Application
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SmartZone OCR 4 for .Net - User Guide > How To > Debug Your Application

Glossary Item Box

Because debugging and writing debug information to a log file is time consuming and expensive, SmartZone OCR provides the ability to control the level of information written to the debug log as well as the ability to turn off writing to a file completely.

Control Debugging Information

Use the methods and properties below to adjust the settings of your debugging for optimal performance.

To set up the DebugLogFile to obtain information for one or more components, simply set up each Debug Log File to go to the same designated File as shown below in the code snippet:

C# Example Copy Code
// set the directory and name. The log file always goes to temp by default
string logFileName = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "temp\\DebugFile.log";
// Set the error level and debug log file for FormDirector
myFormDirector.ErrorLevel = Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.ErrorLevel.Detailed;
myFormDirector.DebugLogFile = logFileName;
myFormDirector.Debug = true;
// Set the error level and debug log file for FormFix
myFormFix.ErrorLevel = Accusoft.FormFixSdk.ErrorLevel.Detailed;
myFormFix.DebugLogFile = logFileName;
myFormFix.Debug = true;
// Set the error level and debug log file for ScanFix
myScanFix.ErrorLevel = Accusoft.ScanFixXpressSdk.ErrorLevel.Detailed;
myScanFix.DebugLogFile = logFileName;
myScanFix.Debug = true;
// Set the error level and debug log file for SmartZone OCR
mySmartZoneOCR.ErrorLevel = Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.SDK.ErrorLevelInfo.Detailed;
mySmartZoneOCR.DebugLogFile = logFileName;
mySmartZoneOCR.Debug = true;

See Also

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